16 November 2014

Sunday School Nov 2014 – what is Church?

1         Game

Icebreaker Game – Piggy in the middle!
kids in a circle, just have to throw a ball over somebody in the middle….


2         What is church?

Start the session by asking the group what a church is.


Invite everyone to contribute their ideas but don't challenge them on them (yet!).


What churches do they know of in their area?


As a group, look at the power point presentation containing images of church buildings and church families.


Use the presentation to explain to the group that church really means the people, Christians, who meet together to worship God.


Look at the pictures of the groups of people and explain that they are the church.


Tell your group that some churches have their meetings in school, homes, cinemas etc.

Discuss how this challenges what they thought.


3         Video – what is the church

Show video  and discuss

we discussed the "Plug In", "Charge Up", "Live Out" and "Pass on" elements, and what that meant to us

4         Discussion ONE CHURCH - MANY PARTS!


Begin the session by setting various challenges to members of your group such as


1.    Tie this piece of string with no hands

2.    Get to the other side of the room without using your feet

3.    Eat chocolate without using your mouth

4.    Open this bottle without using your hands


Use this game to begin to talk about the many parts of our bodies and how each part does a different thing. Without one part some things can't be done or are harder to get done.


Ask the group "Which body part is the most important?" There may be various suggestions but actually, get the group to think about each body part being equally important.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-17.

Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. If the foot says, "I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand," that does not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "I am  not part of the body because I am not an eye," would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?


Have a laugh about the last verse. Wouldn't it be strange if the whole body was one big ear!

Explain that God sees the church as a body, with many parts but that all important. Read verse 1 Corinthians 12:27:


All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it.


Discuss that everyone is needed in the church and is important to it, even if you're young.

Look at the power point presentation (outlined in first 'getting started' session)

Look at a picture of lots of people (a church) and ask the group:

What differences are there in this picture? (Different ages, men and women, boys and girls, married and single, old and young, short and tall)


Explain that they are all the church, one body with many part and all of them are important.


Each of them has their own gifts/skills/characters/personalities that are needed. Be careful not to suggest that you don't have to DO anything in church to be included. That you going to church bring something to it because everyone is unique.


The Point: To get the group thinking about a church being the people in it and that everyone is important and has different roles.


5         Video – what is church

We all  make up the church, each of us is important..


7         CHURCH WALL

Duration: 10 mins

Needed: Cut out bricks & blue tack


Ask the group to think of words to describe church? (Family, God, Worship Pray, together, Sunday meet, happy, support)


Write these on a brick

Build a wall up

 Use these to pray for our church, i.e the people in it

& then we ran out of time....

14 October 2014

Harvest on 12 Oct 2014

Harvest on 12 Oct 2014

20 x  8-11 year olds

1.     Warm up game – Fruit Shakes

Suitable party music.


Like musical statues, when the music stops the kids become statues


The twist – as the music stops the leader shouts out the name of a fruit or vegetable, and the children have to make the shape of that fruit/vegetable as a statue.


2.     Bible Drama

Read out 1 Kings 17:8-16

This passage is an example of Gods provision and Gods abundant care for his children. God is not  a God who is mean, but a God who delights to give.

Kids in Pairs

They can act out the story – but try to convey the emotions and feelings of Elijah and the widow at different stages in the story

Exaggerate the emotions with hand and body movements.

Before we start, think how you would act it out, think of these questions

1)      How would Elijah felt when he saw the woman?

2)      Was he sure she was the woman whom God had chosen to provide for him?

3)      How do you think the woman was feeling as she replied?

4)      Do you think that the woman believed Ellijay or, do you think she thought they were going to die anyway then might as well share their last meal?

5)      How do you think that the both felt when the bowl did not run out of the flour or the oil run out?

6)      How do you think they felt each day?

7)      What difference did it make to their lives?


(time taken to plan it)

Read the bible verse thru so they can practise….

Does anybody want to show their drama?


Discuss their feelings – sadness that the widow had no food. Willingness of widow to share. Wonder that God had met their needs to miraculously


What do you feel like when you realise that others in the worlds have no food?

How could we share our food with them?

How do you think others would feel to know that Christians in the UK were sharing with them?


1 Kings 17:8-16The Voice (VOICE)

8 The Lord  gave him this message:

The Lord: 9 Get up, and travel to Zarephath. It is in the possession of Sidon, which is outside Israel. Remain there, and do not leave for any reason. There is a widow in Zarephath whom I have told to take care of you.

10 Elijah got up and immediately travelled to Zarephath. He arrived at the city gate, and at that moment, a widow was picking up sticks nearby.

Elijah: Please bring me some water in a jar to quench my thirst.

11 (as she fetched the water) Also, could you please bring me a piece of bread?

Woman: 12 As certain as The Lord, your True God lives, I don’t have any bread. In fact, I am starving. I don’t have anything except for a bit of flour in a bowl and a few drops of oil in a jar. I was gathering sticks when you arrived to make a fire so that my son and I could eat one last bite of food and then die. It’s all over for us.

Elijah: 13 I assure you that it’s not over for you yet. Don’t be afraid. Continue what you were doing, but make a small bread cake for me first, and bring it here to me. Then you and your son may eat your own bread cakes. 14 This is the message of the God of Israel: “The flour and the oil will not run out until the moment when the Eternal showers the earth with rain.”

15 She did exactly as Elijah had instructed her to do, and everyone who lived in her house had food for days. 16 The bowl of flour and the jar of oil did not run out, just as The Lord had said through Elijah.

Game – follow the leader




Ran out of time for anything else



16 September 2014

Kids Church Sept 2014 Jesus - who is he?

19 kids aged 8-11

Intro: session about learning more about who Jesus is, not only the facts about him, but knowing him as a  friend.


Chairs laid out as table football game, kid in each chair, tables for goals.


Game: hero to Zero

On the wall, have a Hero and Zero poster up. Kids given a name of a celebrity and they have to put it somewhere between Hero or Zero, depends what they think of them.


Names I used are:

-       Wayne Rooney

-       The Queen

-       David Cameron

-       Heather  Barrington

-       Their mum

-       Probably a few others


Short discussion why  we respect/admire folk and why


Bible Study –

Lots of people have different views on who Jesus is.

Listened to Larry Norman/ The Outlaw

& discussed the song.


Group split in to 3 groups, and asked to look up and read bible passage, and what does it tell us about Jesus

Luke 2:21-22 Son of God

Luke 6: 13-16 a leader

Luke 6:27-36 a teacher

Others not used

            Luke 9:12-17 a miracle worker

            Luke 18:35-43  a healer



Quiz: What do you know about Jesus

Wall had post it notes with points behind, kids chose one, if they got the question correct, got that number of points.


1. Where was Jesus born? (answer: Bethlehem)

2. What was his mum called? (answer: Mary)

3. What gifts did the Wise men bring Jesus? (answer: gold, frankincense and myrrh)

4. What was the name of his cousin? (answer: John (the Baptist)

5. Who ruled Jesus' country at the time of his birth? (answer: the Romans)

6. In which town did Jesus grow up? (answer: Nazerath)

7. What job did Jesus have? (answer: Carpenter)

8. How old was Jesus when he began to go around preaching? (answer: 30 years old)

9. Can you name four of Jesus' disciples? (answer: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Philip,  Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew James, Judas, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot)

10. What does the name Jesus mean a) gift b) the Lord saves or c) peace? (answer: b)

11. Who did Jesus say he was? (answer: God, the Son of Man, the Son of God, Messiah)

12. At what event did a dove appear above Jesus? (answer: his baptism)

13. What was the first miracle Jesus performed? (answer: turning the water in wine)

14. What's the Sunday before Easter called? (answer: Palm Sunday)

15. What did Jesus do on Palm Sunday? (answer: rode into Jerusalem on a donkey)

16. Which disciple betrayed Jesus? (answer: Judas)

17. Name the Roman big cheese who handed Jesus over to the Jews? (answer: Pilate)

18. How was Jesus put to death? (answer: crucified)

19. On what day did Jesus die? (answer: Good Friday)

20. How many days was Jesus dead? (answer: three)



Sunday School June 2014,Out On Top: The Sermon on the mount



Sit your group in a circle. Explain that you are going to pass 'Nothin' round the circle. Choose a player to start and explain that they should pass 'Nothing' to the player on their left by pointing their two forefingers like a gun at the person and saying 'Zip'. The person who receives the 'Nothing' then chooses what action to take from the following:

Zip: To pass the 'Nothing' onto the next player.

Zap: To pass the 'Nothing' back in the opposite direction.

Boing: To miss a player out and pass the 'Nothing' to the person just beyond the one sitting next to you.

Pow: Whilst holding a fist above your head, point at a player across the other side of the circle. This passes the 'Nothing' to them and they can choose which direction to pass it in. The only rule is that you cannot Boing or Pow somebody who has just Boing'ed or Pow'ed you. If anyone hesitates, looks in the wrong direction or passes to somebody who is already out then they will be out. The winner is the last one left in.


Duration: 10 mins

Equipment required: A roll of masking tape per small group of children, newspapers for each group, a small figurine - such as a lego or playmobile figure, for each group OR pipecleaners for them to make their own figurine. Optional sweets for small prize.


Divide the children into small groups of about 3 or 4. Give each group a roll of masking tape, a selection of newspapers and a small figure of a person or pipecleaners to make their own person.

Explain to the children that the aim is for them to make a mountain out of the tape and newspaper within 5 minutes. There are no rules, only that the mountain is able to support the figure on the top.

At the end of 5 minutes, call a stop to the proceedings. Ask the children to place the figure on the top of their mountain and then allow them all to stand back and admire their handiwork.

Walk round and comment positively on each creation - you may wish to award a token prize to the tallest creation.

Once you have finished this, ask the children to sit down, and explain that we are looking at the life of Jesus. After choosing His disciples, Jesus then went up a mountain and spoke to his disciples and all those who had flocked to hear and see him.

What he said was so important that it was recorded in the Bible and is now known as the "Sermon on the Mount" because Jesus taught the people from the side of a mountain.

The Point: To introduce the fact that Jesus went up on a mountain to teach the people.



Duration: 10 mins

Equipment required: A piece of rectangular paper for each child, approximately a third of A4 and a

pencil for each child.


Divide the children into small groups of 4. Give each child a pencil and piece of paper.

Explain to the children that after he had chosen his disciples, all sorts of people flocked to Jesus to see Him, hear Him speak and to be healed from their diseases. They came from all over the place, but were drawn to Jesus because of what they had heard about Him. Jesus was almost the celebrity of His day and country. Everyone wanted to see him for themselves.

Ask the children to fold their paper into four and make crease marks down the paper. In the top quarter ask the children to draw the head of a person -and to make the marks where the neck should start.

Once they have completed drawing the head, they should fold their paper over so that the picture is  covered, but so that the bottom of the neck should be visible at the start of the next quarter. On the word pass - they should then pass the paper on to the next person who must not peep underneath the flap. Everyone should receive a new piece of paper and they must draw in the second quarter a person from the neck down to the waist. Once they have done this, they must fold over their drawing so that only the marks showing where the waist has finished are visible.

Again on the word, all children have to pass their drawing on to the next person, without peeping at what has been drawn. They must then draw from the waist down to ankle. Once again they fold over it when finished and on the word, pass it on once more. Finally they have to draw the feet of their character.

For the last time they pass their paper on, and the next person unfolds the paper to see the person they have created. All the groups can then admire and hopefully laugh at the people they have created.

Conclude the session by reminding the children that all sorts of people flocked to see Jesus - men, women, children, local people and those from further afield - all because they wanted to see him and meet him.

The Point: To realise that Jesus was like a celebrity of his day - crowds flocked to see him because of who he was, what he did and said.


Duration: 15 mins

Equipment required: Pen and paper for each child. Call My Bluff Worksheet (attached).


Divide the group into two teams - each team is to sit facing the other. In turn give each team a "set" of a word and three definitions.

Team A begins by holding up the word for Team B to see, Three members of the team read the three definitions as convincingly as possible. Then Team B has to decide which is the true definition. If they are right they receive the word, if wrong Team A keeps it.

Play passes to Team B who is given a new word and three definitions. The play continues as before, and play is continues until all words are used up.

The team with the most words at the end are the winners.

Before concluding this activity - ask the children why we played this game. It was in order to distinguish between the truth and what was false.

Explain that today we are learning about the life of Jesus. In particular we are learning about the time when Jesus started to teach His disciples. Flocks of people came to listen to Jesus - Jesus healed their illnesses and He then started to teach the people what was important - He taught them the true way to live. Jesus said it was important that people listened to Him and that they acted on what they heard.

They had to make a decision - just as each team had to decide on a definition and choose one – Jesus told the people that they had to choose to live in the way of truth.

The Point: To learn that Jesus taught his disciples and crowd that came to listen the true way to live that pleases God. It was an important message.


Duration: 25 mins


Choose four/five of the children who are good at acting to mime the three following jobs. Tell the other children that you would like them to guess what job the children are acting.

• Teacher

• Lawyer or judge

• Policeman/woman

• King/Queen

• Traffic warden

Ask the children to think about what these people might have in common - answer should be that they are all people in authority. They all have some power or authority- albeit different. You might find it useful to briefly discuss the meaning of authority at this point. A good definition is 'the power to command, control or judge others' - some one who knows they are in a position to tell you what to do.

Ask the children whether they obey what a teacher, judge, policeman, etc. says they must do and why. Tell the children that today we are learning more about the life of Jesus. After choosing his disciples, crowds of people came to see Jesus, to be healed by him and to learn from him. Jesus responded byteaching them about how they should live.

Ask someone to read Matthew 7:28-29

No-one asked "what right has Jesus to tell us how to live?" - instead people were amazed because Jesus spoke with authority. Jesus had the right given to Him by God to teach the people how God wanted them to live.

In the Bible Jesus often tells us how to live our lives. Look at the rest of the sermon on the mount in Luke 6:27-37. If it is appropriate for your group you could read the whole passage, if the whole passage is too complicated for your group then summarise Jesus rules as follows:

• Love your enemies

• Give things to people and don't expect anything in return

• Show mercy

• Do not judge other people

• Forgive everything

Discuss what Jesus tells us to do. Do the children do what Jesus tells them? Why? Why not? Do the children think that Jesus has authority?

You might like to finish with a prayer asking Jesus to help us follow his rules better.

The Point: To ask the children to think about not the detail of what Jesus said, but the fact that Jesus taught with authority and people wanted to listen to Him and obey what He said because of who He was.


The Sermon on the Mount Lived Out by a 12 Year Old - Sermon Videos http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=WLP7ZWNX



17 June 2014

Pentecost revisitied - 12 June 2014

Pentecost - thursday after Pentecost Sunday
(mid week group, 8 -11 )

1)      game – uno spin


2)      Pentecost           Acts 2:1-42

Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on the Sunday 50 days after Easter (the name comes from the Greek pentekoste, "fiftieth").

Pentecost Symbols

The symbols of Pentecost are those of the Holy Spirit and include flames, wind, the breath of God and a dove.

It has a historical significance, as it commemorates God giving the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It also commemorates the time when the first fruits of the wheat harvest were brought to the Temple in the form of leavened bread (Lev 23:17).



3)      Video  


4)    Sit quietly….

“the followers of Jesus were trying to work out what they were supposed to do now that Jesus had died, risen again and gone to heaven. Their entire ministry so far had been with Jesus – he could teach them what to do, but now he wasn’t there to help them! They had gathered together in a room in Jerusalem, and it was during the festival of Pentecost.”

Put on fan

“as the believers were gathered, a strong wind filled the room.”

how strange this would have been - wind inside the house?!

“something even stranger happened. Something appeared over the heads of the disciples“ .. light jar

What do you think the atmosphere is the room was like?

What had happened? The Holy Spirit had arrived,
and filled each of them, giving them God’s power. The believers began to speak in different languages – ones they have never even heard before!

At the time loads of people were in in Jerusalem from all over the area, from lots of different countries. They could hear the noise from inside the house.

 ‘What is happening?’ they asked. ‘I can hear people talking about God in my own language, how is this possible?’

Some of the people laughed at them, thinking the believers were crazy or drunk. No one knew what was going on!

Then Peter stood up in front of the crowd which had gathered and began to speak. He spoke with passion and authority. The people listened to him. He reminded the people that the prophets had told them that this would happen, that God was going to send his spirit to help them. He told them about Jesus, and about how he had been sent as a gift from God for the people, but the people had rejected him and put him to death.

Those that were listening felt terrible about what they had done to Jesus, and they asked Peter what they should do. He told them that they should change their lives, turn to Jesus who has the power to forgive all people, and be baptised.

The Bible tells us that about 3000 people turned to Jesus that day ! 

It’s often called the “Birthday of the church”


5)    Response:

Lead the group in a game of musical statues. Instead of watching out for people who are moving when the music stops and them being out, ask people to use the moment in silence to think about the story, and about what God is saying to them. Make sure you leave an appropriate pause between each section of music. Encourage energetic dancing to the music to celebrate the forgiveness that we have in Jesus.


6)    Craft

Windsocks! Pentecost is when a rushing wind brought The Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is like the wind; we can’t see it, but it’s there. Sometimes, we can feel it though! Each child can choose a colored paper bag, cut off the bottom to make a tube. Decorate with stickers, foam, sequins, and markers. Glue/tape streamers to one end, and tape a piece of yarn to each side of the other end to make a handle.

7)    Praying for People

each kid has a piece of paper .   A4 in quarters

Where they write the name of someone they would like God to bless this week.

They might like to include some detail on the person or their situation,


 Once done, ask everyone to scrunch up their paper into a ball and on cue throw them (gently!) into the air.


Everyone should then catch another one, open it up and pray for the person on the paper.



29 April 2014

Jesus - who do you say he is? 24 April 2014

(mid week group, 8 -11 )

Intro game – Uno Spin

Opening Activity –

Pictures of famous people, covered with post its, the kids have to try and guess who they are
Q: in our day to day lives, how can we tell who people are? Seeing their face is most obvious, but we also know people by their voices, mannerisms… etc etc

my choice was... Kate & Will ; Hacker T Dog & Little Mix - they all got them pretty quickly!

Bible Story-

Kids construct a boat out of big cardboard boxes beforehand 
And given jobs to do to act out the story – Jesus , disciples, storm (making noises)
Practise storm noises/sounds.. Show Simple signs to raise volume of storm, lower it… stop completely
Luke 8:22-25

In summary – Jesus was very powerful, but the friends didn't understand who he was…

Video clip – “who was Jesus”

& discussion

Sit and think

Who was Jesus, play Larry Norman, The Outlaw

(we discussed who Jesus was, looked at the lyrics below, and thought about our personal choice of what we thought he was to us.. some great conversations

Larry Norman - the Outlaw
Some say he was an outlaw that he roamed across the land
With a band of unschooled ruffians and few old fishermen
No one knew just where he came from or exactly what he'd done
But they said it must be something bad that kept him on the run
Some say he was a poet that he'd stand upon the hill
That his voice could calm an angry crowd and make the waves stand still
That he spoke in many parables that few could understand
But the people sat for hours just to listen to this man
Some say he was a sorcerer, a man of mystery
He could walk upon the water, he could make a blind man see
That he conjured wine at weddings and did tricks with fish and bread
That he talked of being born again and raised people from the dead
Some say a politician, who spoke of being free
He was followed by the masses on the shores of Galilee
He spoke out against corruption and he bowed to no decree
And they feared his strength and power so they nailed him to a tree
Some say he was the Son of God, a man above all men
That he came to be a servant and to set us free from sin
And that's who I believe he is 'cause that's what I believe
And I think we should get ready 'cause it's time for us to leave