07 March 2013

March 3rd 2013 - Fruits of the Spirit

10 children, aged 8 -11

New venue (for me)

had 2 rooms, small one for “quiet” bits (and the video – much better light in that room) and large room for “noisy” games.


based on Fruits (Kiwi, Orange, Apple... etc)

Game – (big room time)



This plan is based on...Fruits of the Spirit

Had a picture of an apple tree, how do we know it is a good apple tree. / because it gives fruit.

 A bit like us as Christians…

Bible Bit


Spoke about the theme, the Holy Spirit, specifically the “fruits of the Holy Spirit”

We all read Galatians 5v22-23, and each child took a “fruit” (eg Joy, faithfulness) and wrote it on a sheet of A4; with some decoration(if they were bothered), we stuck all these up on the wall & read the verses again.

Each was clarified if the meaning was unsure

Fruit Charades

Kids played Charades acting out one of the “fruits”,

What is the Holy Spirit

Looked at things in 3 parts, eg.

¨       Mars bar, Chocolate + Caramel + Nugart, can’t have a mars bar without one of them. Brought in a mars bar and chopped it up (very taasty)

¨       Egg = Shell + Yolk + White, broke it up to show them ( they were not surprised what was in the shell!)

Went on explain that God has three parts, the Farther, Jesus and HSpirit. We discussed each one eg God the Father created the world, Jesus dies for us, HS is our helper when we need it.

You’re Everywhere Song (for the 2nd time that day!)


Thought of where else we could say “You are .. in the traffic” could be “you are… with me at school”

Described how God thru the holy Spirit can be with us for guidance and protection at all times

What fruit do we need more of

Each kid took a few “fruit” shaped notes, and wrote down what they think they needed more of in terms of the “fruits of the spirit”. Some kids wrote down nearly ALL of them, others just 1 or 2. ALL children wrote something.

We prayed for the kids and their wishes.


round the room piggy in the middle

the end

Final prayer and end.