14 November 2013

Creative Prayer with M&Ms

This was created by my youngest son at his 11-14 year old group; still useful for future Sunday School Creative Prayer ideas....


1 Timothy 2v1-5
I urge you first of all to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; Intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by Godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our saviour who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (NLT)


Questions to Discuss

·         How can we act on that reading?

·         Why should you pray for people you don’t like?

·         Should we pray for people that don’t pray for us?

·         Why do we pray for people that don’t believe in God?


M&M Prayer

Orange:  Pray for a national leader (Barack Obama, David Cameron, and The Royal Family, the UN etc.)

Red:  Pray for a teacher

Yellow: Pray for a church leader (Youth worker, minister etc.) 

Green: Pray for a family member

Blue: Pray for a friend

Brown: Pray for someone in the room


When you pray for them…

·         Give thanks for them

·         Ask god to help them

·         Pray God will be with them and bless them

05 November 2013

Nature of God: Mighty God (3 Nov 2013)

1         Icebreaker Game – I Went to the North Pole

kids (and leaders) in a circle

The first child begins by saying, "I went to the North Pole and I took a (sleeping bag)."

The second child says, "I went to the North Pole and I took a (sleeping bag) and a (can of tuna)." The next child continues, "I went to the north Pole and I took a (sleeping bag), a (can of tuna) and a(teddy)." etc

We did this twice, raised many laughs, the kids remembered everything very well. For the record, things starts good, eg taking “pen, pencil, paper”… then towards the end changed to “toilet, hairy man”

Lots of fun.


2         Strongest Product Comparison

We talked about what we would be doing today, looking at Gods power, then suggesting we could test various products to see which is more powerful….

Kids split to 2 teams

Each team had a sheet of plastic to use, each time they had something to clean up, with a suitable (or not ) implement.

Task1: dry up a puddle of water, team 1 had toilet roll, team 2 had kitchen roll

Task2: scrub some felt tip that was on the plastic sheet, team 1 had J Cloth, team 2 had Scrubby Pad (which resulted in the plastic ripping!)

Task 3: lump of Jam to clean up. Team 1 had a hand brush; team 2 had a kitchen broom (note, had to was the brushes under water to clean out the jam!)

We spoke about what power was, and how we measured it.

3         Video – Aladdin Genii


Showed the video here, we spoke about how the Genii was like God, typical questions were


· How powerful is the genii?

· What does Aladdin have to do to "earn" his three wishes?

· Why does the genii so badly want to use/share his power?

· Do you think the genii is like God in any way?

· In what ways is God's power like that of the genii?

· If God is all-powerful, why doesn't He always use his power to change circumstances for us?


One of the kids ended up by saying “Aladdin’s Genii is like the Holy Spirit, just that you can see him” <nugget>


4         Power Discussion

The kids were tasked with drawing pictures of something powerful, examples given were

¨       River

¨       Sea

¨       Wind

¨       Power Stations

¨       Fire

These were drawn, together with God, Superman, Stars…


5          Power in the Bible

We discussed how God uses power

From the passage:  Psalm 89:5-14

We tried to answer the questions:

How does God demonstrate His power in this passage?

Who is He more powerful than?

As well as God's physical power, this passage talks about God's character. What does it say about God?

How does God's character affect the way He uses His power?

How does God treat His people?


6         Gods has Power to Drive our Lives

I spoke about the song below, and what I meant to me. (this was the song that my puppet team performed to yesterday, always useful re use things!)

God is so powerful he can take control of our lives, if we let him.

 One child asked for the song title/singer so she could take it home and listen to it later! <nugget#2>