04 February 2013

3 Feb 2013 – The Bible

11 Children (only 1 girl!) aged 8-11

What we did:

1)      Word Search

To give them something to concentrate on at the start

2)      Quiz – Proverbs

·         A number of “sayings” were displayed on the screen, the kids had to decide whether they are from the bible or made up.

·         Examples include:

(a)    Always  shut the door (False)

(b)   When you're kind to others, you help yourself; when you're cruel to others, you hurt yourself. (True. Proverbs 11:17)

(c)    Wise children listen to their parents. (True. Proverbs 13:1)

(d)   Those who control their tongues will have a long life.(True. Proverbs 13:3)

(e)   Always buy your youth leader chocolate. (False L)

(f)     Yanking a dog’s ear is as foolish as interfering in someone else’s argument. (True. Proverbs 26:17)

·         For some of them we discussed what they meant

·         Next time  - use less proverbs (I used 17), took a fair while.

·         This aimed to show that the bible is full of lots of practical advice

3)      Video – Observation test

·         State “2000+ years ago, they didn’t have TVs, so all the rules and knowledge were distributed audibly or written down. Even with TVs we can mis-remember things, “

·         Many kids thought this was like “Britain’s Brightest” (TV show that I’m afraid I haven’t watched.. note to self, they like to compare activities with TV programs)

·         Showed the video below, and asked questions.

·         Example questions were:

(a)    What was the cheese doing on the mouse trap (crying)

(b)   What did the 1st strawberry walk in front of (teapot and cup)

(c)    what year was this made (2009)

Most of the kids got most of the questions right (although one only guessed the  year after a lot of other wrong guesses J)

4)      Mirror

·         Gave an example of looking in a mirror, walking off and forgetting what I looked like, and doing it a few times.

·         Kids Read James 1v22-24 & were asked the relevance of the mirror task

·         Some kids cottoned on to the fact that reading the bible and not acting on it is as stupid as looking in a mirror and forgetting what you look like straight away

·         Kids read James 3v2-12 and discussed what good/bad things we can say to build people up / knock them down.

5)      Puppet Video

·        " So we have lots of info in the bible about how to live, "

·         Showed this video to explain that the Bible is a bit like an Instruction Manual, you need to read it for best results.

6)      What/When/How/Where

·         We discussed how we could read the bible more, and act on it. The kids each  had a small piece of paper with this image on it, and during some music spent time reflecting on what changes they could do to help them read the bible, (What would help them, When they would do it, How they could do it, Where they could do it).

·         We spoke about the use of Bible Reading notes, one child mentioned “Topz” which I know some children of this age use / used.

·         They seemed positive about having a look at bible reading notes, so this is something I’ll pick up with them next time (after seeking if I can “find” a friendly supplier )

7)      Final prayer & end

Lessons Learnt:

I had a couple more things to do that didn’t happen due to time, including Craft and Memory Verse.

Overall the kids were well behaved (compared to previous weeks), had to be told to be quiet a few times, but did so.




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