16 November 2014

Sunday School Nov 2014 – what is Church?

1         Game

Icebreaker Game – Piggy in the middle!
kids in a circle, just have to throw a ball over somebody in the middle….


2         What is church?

Start the session by asking the group what a church is.


Invite everyone to contribute their ideas but don't challenge them on them (yet!).


What churches do they know of in their area?


As a group, look at the power point presentation containing images of church buildings and church families.


Use the presentation to explain to the group that church really means the people, Christians, who meet together to worship God.


Look at the pictures of the groups of people and explain that they are the church.


Tell your group that some churches have their meetings in school, homes, cinemas etc.

Discuss how this challenges what they thought.


3         Video – what is the church

Show video  and discuss

we discussed the "Plug In", "Charge Up", "Live Out" and "Pass on" elements, and what that meant to us

4         Discussion ONE CHURCH - MANY PARTS!


Begin the session by setting various challenges to members of your group such as


1.    Tie this piece of string with no hands

2.    Get to the other side of the room without using your feet

3.    Eat chocolate without using your mouth

4.    Open this bottle without using your hands


Use this game to begin to talk about the many parts of our bodies and how each part does a different thing. Without one part some things can't be done or are harder to get done.


Ask the group "Which body part is the most important?" There may be various suggestions but actually, get the group to think about each body part being equally important.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-17.

Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. If the foot says, "I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand," that does not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "I am  not part of the body because I am not an eye," would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?


Have a laugh about the last verse. Wouldn't it be strange if the whole body was one big ear!

Explain that God sees the church as a body, with many parts but that all important. Read verse 1 Corinthians 12:27:


All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it.


Discuss that everyone is needed in the church and is important to it, even if you're young.

Look at the power point presentation (outlined in first 'getting started' session)

Look at a picture of lots of people (a church) and ask the group:

What differences are there in this picture? (Different ages, men and women, boys and girls, married and single, old and young, short and tall)


Explain that they are all the church, one body with many part and all of them are important.


Each of them has their own gifts/skills/characters/personalities that are needed. Be careful not to suggest that you don't have to DO anything in church to be included. That you going to church bring something to it because everyone is unique.


The Point: To get the group thinking about a church being the people in it and that everyone is important and has different roles.


5         Video – what is church

We all  make up the church, each of us is important..


7         CHURCH WALL

Duration: 10 mins

Needed: Cut out bricks & blue tack


Ask the group to think of words to describe church? (Family, God, Worship Pray, together, Sunday meet, happy, support)


Write these on a brick

Build a wall up

 Use these to pray for our church, i.e the people in it

& then we ran out of time....

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